Julia is a Germany-based improviser. Since 2012 she has been teaching extensively and developing the local scene in Thüringen. Her last projects included co-directing a refugee project in Meiningen state theater and developing the improvised format "staying or going“ as part of young arts festival Zella-Mehlis. She is part of the organizing team of the annual youth theater festival SCHAU-SPIEL Meiningen, and member of the Ohana network.  

Julia’s teaching is empathetic and encouraging, she focuses on details, richness of scene and authenticity.


Alex is an English improviser and teacher with a background in psychology and human development, currently based in London. He is strongly linked to Europe, as co-artistic director of the Würzburg Improtheaterfestival and having worked in Germany for several years (together with teaching in France, Poland, Finland and also in the USA), and a member of the European network Ohana. His teaching focus is on developing strong scenework that is fit for any show, together with developing group instincts and embracing a sense of play.


Die Chancen der Langsamkeit - den Moment verlängern

April 21, 2017 | 7-10 pm | Fehrfeld 26, 28203 Bremen

45€ (30€ for AMS!-Members)



Schnell, nach vorn und in regelmäßigen Abständen auf „Lacher“ zu spielen, sind drei Impro-Trainingsziele, die recht viel Aufmerksamkeit bekommen (und das ist auch gut so). Aber was passiert, wenn wir das Gegenteil wagen? Wenn wir bleiben, wo wir sind, um ein Gefühl in uns aufzunehmen, um das Angebot zu sehen, dass unser Partner uns in genau diesem Moment macht, wenn wir offen sind, für das, was wir kreiert haben - kurz, wenn wir Pausen vom „Produktionsmodus“ machen? Wenn wir bereit sind, ein paar Momente zu „verlieren“, sind wir auch bereit, etwas sehr wertvolles zu finden: Wahrheit, Tiefe und Offensichtlichkeit. Und die wiederum können der Motor sein, der uns wieder an Tempo gewinnen lässt. 


Suffering and Comedy

April 22, 2017 | 10-4 pm (incl 1h lunch) | Fehrfeld 26, 28203 Bremen

75€ (50€ for AMS!-Members)



In real life we don't want to panic or be threatened, but on the stage this can create some of the funniest scenes. In this workshop we’ll find ways to suffer and get in trouble, and see exactly how fun it can be to hit rock bottom… and keep going. We’ll also practice torturing others, creating the trouble your partner needs. This is an interplay between two sensitive dancers that helps improve key improv skills. So grab your partner… and get ready to squeeze.



April 23, 2017 | 11-5 pm (incl 1h lunch) | Fehrfeld 26, 28203 Bremen

75€ (50€ for AMS!-Members)



Freeform improvisation is play that keeps moving: scenes spill into each other, and warp from scenes into motion or commentary. It creates highly thematic and poetic pieces, or mischievous, comedic ones, all from a single word and by committing to the group mind. Empowering edit techniques, using our words to feed the group intelligence, and honouring every physical offer to create work bigger than any of us.